带有磁感应传感器的方形液压缸 (MBZ)

带有磁感应传感器的方形液压缸 (MBZ)
- 紧凑型液压缸
- 更新:最大工作压力 250bar
- 主要被用在模具制造中
- 活塞直径从 Ø25mm 到 Ø63mm
- 库存中有多种标准冲程的活塞直径
- 多样的固定形式
- 活塞杆经硬化和研磨
- 限位开关可以调节
- 油缸缸体硬化 - 磨损小
- 更新:配备了新一代的磁感应传感器

- 价格优惠至少5%
- 49种活塞直径和行程的组合可用
- 最大工作压力160bar
- 活塞直径从Ø25mm到Ø63mm
- 多种安装选项可用
- 活塞杆经研磨和硬化
- 可调节的感应位置
- 缸体表面硬化涂层处理 – 更少的磨损
New magnetic field sensor offers convenience during installation and start-up
Compared to the previous version, the new magnetic field sensors have two LED luminaires. As soon as the sensor is connected to the control unit, one LED will be lit constantly and indicates that the sensor is ready for use. The second LED begins to flash as soon as the sensor detects a magnetic field. If the sensor reaches the optimal switching point, the second LED will also be lit constantly. This feature makes the correct positioning of the sensor significantly easier. Not only the actual cylinder, but also the screwed-on profiled strip made of aluminum comply with the previous version.
新ahp.book进行了完全的修订,涵盖了AHP Merkle完整的液压缸产品范围。
- 带有位置检测的方形液压缸BZP,见1/64页
- 方形液压缸MBZ新一代的磁感应传感器,见1/80页
- 拉杆液压缸ZHZ,见6/2页
- 自锁液压缸VBZ,见8/1页
- …更多信息,请参阅有关所有改进的文档。