Válvulas de control

Managing water flows efficiently


Water flows need to be regulated in order to harness hydropower. Especially when water energy is not only used to produce electricity but also to store energy.

In order to use hydropower efficiently, the dimensions and dimensions on the one hand are becoming ever larger and the requirements for accuracy and controllability are becoming increasingly important.

But it is not only in hydropower that volume flows need to be controlled and regulated, but also in process technology in almost every industry that consumes and needs water.

What are we moving?

With our hydraulic drives, we can safely and reliably control and regulate even in the event of loss of electrical energy. This is a great advantage of hydraulics compared to electric control valves, as soon as the subject of emergency shutdown with large forces is concerned, hydraulics are in demand.

But even when it comes to decentralized control and regulation, we have the right product for you with our E-AHP series. The advantages of hydraulics without hydraulic unit, hydraulic tank, pipe and hose lines.

E-AHP, the Flexible Hydraulic Solution

Product highlights