Máquinas de Assentamento de Trilhos
Reliable mobile track laying
Track-laying machines are compact and increasingly complex mobile railroad construction factories. They combine all the work processes required in a single track laying machine. Such systems must be extremely reliably and, in some cases, run around the clock.
A perfect application scenario for hydraulic drives.

What do we move in a track laying machine?
There are lots of hydraulic movements inside track laying machines. They range from simple holding and positioning tasks to driving the tamping tines working in the track bed at high frequencies.
Our drives can be used anywhere within your track laying machine. Special cylinders can be used to simplify your machines and make them more efficient, e.g. to securely hold system components in interlock during travel without the need for additional holding fixtures. It's all solved by cylinder.

Which track laying machines use our products?
Hydraulic cylinders and drives are used across all areas of railroad construction.
- Rail machining
- Track laying and maintenance
- Catenary vehicles
Do you want to keep machine components safe and reliable?
Use our locking cylinders. The hold and interlock large masses securely in position without hydraulic pressure. They will hold for the entire voyage and beyond.
Mechanical locking