Page 4 - AHP Magazin 2022 EN
P. 4

ahp.magazine: This means that inventory reduction during   ahp.magazine: Was this a master move or how should we
                                                                                                                                    the pandemic was not the order of the day at AHP Merkle?  understand it?
                                                                                                                                    CME: Exactly. Because we all know that this difficult time will   CME:  No, probably not. It was the right decision at the right time.
                                                                                                                                    pass. And that things can then move quickly again, and the order   There was even a window of opportunity for this consideration
                                                                                                                                    situation will be different overnight. And that is exactly what we   and implementation, and we took advantage of it. Shortly before
                                                                                                                                    are experiencing now. Due to (pre-)rapid downsizing of capacities   the transaction was completed, it looked as if the situation would
                                                                                                                                    and the release of employees, we now have the problems on the   improve significantly again and the sale would no longer be ne-
                                                                                                                                    procurement market.                               cessary. Nevertheless, we sold and today we are more glad than
                                                                                                                                                                                      ever to have done so. The situation is still not stable. But our soul
                                                                                                                                    ahp.magazine: Did AHP Merkle 2021 release employees be-  situation is (laughs).
                                                                                                                                    cause they were not currently needed?
                                                                                                                                    CME:  No, we have not. For the same reasons that we have not   ahp.magazine: So all is good?
                                                                                                                                    reduced inventories. Because we know how difficult it is to find   CME: Actually, rather yes. The analysis of the 2021 trade show
                                                                                                                                    well-trained, technically excellent personnel. That’s why we’ve   year shows us that we have managed to move forward despite
                                                                                                                                    held on to all of our staff. Ultimately, we have used the natural   adverse circumstances and a lot of home office and shift sepa-
                                                                                                                                    fluctuation to not immediately replace employees again in the   ration, contact restrictions and prohibitions. Also compared to
                                                                                                                                    same volume. But when the opportunities for a “good catch”   other companies in the market. And that is what we want! We
                                                                                                                                    presented themselves, we struck again in 2021.    want to move! And that includes the first patent in the com-
             INTERVIEW                                                                                                                                                                pany’s history. And many other positive (further) developments,

             with CEO Christen Merkle                                                                                               ahp.magazine: All of this costs money. A lot of money   some of which we can already show here in the magazine or
                                                                                                                                    that was not available during the pandemic. How did AHP   which are still “secret”. But we also want to be able to report on
                                                                                                                                    Merkle solve this?                                news in the next magazine!
                                                                                                                                    CME: That was and is one of the biggest challenges we have
             ahp.magazine: Another year has passed. What does the cur-  ahp.magazin: Then the mood does not look so bad at all?
                                                                                                                                    to overcome:  To obtain and have liquidity. Last but not least,   ahp.magazine: That sounds good!
             rent mood look like?                             CME: (reflecting) It is difficult to describe the current mood. Order
                                                                                                                                    increasing inventories costs money. Money that is “lying around”   CME:  Somehow reassuring, yes, it’s not enough to rest. But I
             CME: Yes, we have had a very demanding year and the frustration   entry is good and was excellent, especially in the last week of 2021.
                                                                                                                                    and does not yield anything for the time being. On top of that,   don’t intend to, and neither do any of us at AHP Merkle. We also
             is relatively high. Because we are currently so externally determined   Nevertheless, there are problems at all corners and ends. After si-
                                                                                                                                    the earnings situation in 2021 was only really good in the first   want to accelerate in 2022. And continue to develop well. Our
             as we have never been before. Contact restrictions, shift separa-  gnificantly fewer hydraulic cylinders were sold due to various factors
                                                                                                                                    quarter. After that, it was rather unsatisfactory throughout 2021.  customers deserve that. And they expect the same from us!
             tions, corona tests, vaccinations, boosters, discussions, ... All of this   (conversion of the automotive industry to e-mobility, etc.), there are
             means that we are constantly having to cancel, reschedule, replan,   currently problems with the supply chains. Customers who would
                                                                                                                                    ahp.magazine: What do you do at a time like this?  ahp.magazine: One last comment?
             cancel again scheduled events, trade shows, meetings, etc. All this is   like to order from us now are postponing projects because other
                                                                                                                                    CME:  We have given a lot of thought to this, because we invest-  CME: The last two years have shown us that we can and must still
             very annoying. And also, because there is currently no end in sight...  products currently have delivery times of up to 40 weeks. So, our
                                                                                                                                    ed a lot in the years before the pandemic. And that is a burden   learn a lot. And have already learned. The entire AHP Merkle team
                                                              hydraulic cylinders are ordered much later. That’s a shame.
                                                                                                                                    in times like these. Not even so much real, but, how shall I say,   is willing to take on this challenge in 2022. To act. Because to act
             ahp.magazine: So, everything as in the previous year…?
                                                                                                                                    mental ballast. And the word “debt service capability” is a diffi-  means to act before being acted upon.
             CME: Yes and no. Corona still determines our daily lives. But fortu-  ahp.magazine: Does this mean that AHP Merkle has no prob-
                                                                                                                                    cult one these days. We have freed ourselves from this burden
             nately that is not all. We can already see that besides this, a lot was   lems with delivery times currently?
                                                                                                                                    by selling a large part of our real estate to a big investor, and we
             also possible in the past year. We have actively sought the “gaps”,   CME: Yes, that’s exactly how you can put it. We met the delivery
                                                                                                                                    have thus been able to reduce our bank liabilities to a very large
             the time windows in which more and much was possible.  times very well, especially in the fourth quarter of 2021.
                                                                                                                                    extent. See also article on page 28.
             ahp.magazine: Did you get in contact with customers in 2021?  ahp.magazine: How can AHP Merkle deliver and others not?
             CME: Yes, and more than we thought. We noted down all custo-   CME: I can only answer that for ourselves. We have had a very
             mer contacts from the beginning of 2021 and, together with Chi-  responsible  inventory  management  and  warehousing  for  many
             na, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Poland and other countries, came up with   years. By this I mean that we have always put supply capability in
             just under 4,300 real contacts! We were very surprised and pleased   the spotlight. High safety stocks, long-term and very good relation-
             by this.                                         ships with our suppliers, and long-term blanket and call orders are
                                                              clearly part of this. And due to the current situation, we have once
             ahp.magazine: Where did these contacts take place?  again increased our high inventory levels by 20 percent in calendar
             CME: 3,500 genuine contacts through customer visits, trade fairs   year 2021. This corresponds to just under € 1.6 Mio. Among other
             or training courses are offset by a significantly lower number of 600   things, the order point for sensors had to be adjusted 6 times in one
             digital contacts, i.e. participants in our digital offerings. Added to   year. Because: We want to be able to deliver when our customers
             this are another 5,000 to 6,000 or so targeted telephone calls made   need us!
             in the course of 2021.

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