We mourn the death of our senior manager Renate Merkle
In deep mourning we say goodbye to our honored, highly esteemed and beloved senior manager Renate Merkle (née Bauer). With her, we lose a person who was not only the boss and right hand of our company founder, but first and foremost a human being.
Her unbelievable commitment, her energy, her courage and her vision have contributed significantly to the success of the company. She was a valuable support for our company founder and senior boss for far more than 30 years - through thick and thin.
Her tireless work for the company began with the founding of the company in 1973. All these years she put her personal interests behind her. Her exemplary compassion, humanity and down-to-earthness were of great benefit to many people. In the company and far beyond.
With her, we are losing an impressive entrepreneurial personality. We will miss her advice and experience. Her example is an obligation for us.
With great gratitude, we pay our utmost respect to her life's work. We will always hold her memory in high esteem. Renate Merkle will remain unforgotten.
We will miss her very much.
Management and employees
– AHP Merkle GmbH
– AHP Merkle Hydraulic Asia Ltd.
– Suzhou Merkle Hydraulic System Co., Ltd.
– AHP Merkle Italia srl.
– AHP Merkle Ibérica Lda.